Have you heard the one about the two Frankoma billikens that hitched a ride on a Greyhound bus?

Rose Mary Lundy contacted the Website recently about a pair of green Frankoma “Billikens” that she inherited from her mother-in-law.  She described them as wall pockets that read, Jester’s Day, […]

The Little Frankoma Cracked Pot That Meant So Much To Someone

Notes Tucked Inside: Here’s what the notes found inside the jar read, exactly as they were written: This Frankhoma bowl or vase is one of the first made for sale […]

What the Frankoma Old Timers Are Talking About

  Though Tim Belcher is not really a Frankoma “Old-Timer,” this “New-Timer” made a great find, and he wants to share his experience with us. “I recently purchased a silver […]

What the Frankoma Old Timers Are Talking About

  The Frankoma company liquidation auction was a sad day in Oklahoma history, and your Editor was there. Now, you can be there, too. Just click the picture to open […]

What the Frankoma Old Timers Are Talking About

John Nathaniel Frank Was Generous to a Fault! When art classes in Oklahoma public schools and colleges needed help with the stuff that makes up pottery and ceramics, John Frank […]