Contribute to

Pasted Graphic 57 thrives on the valuable contributions of readers who would like to share their passion, experience, and expertise about Frankoma. We are proud to retain the original authorship of your articles. You will forever own the rights to your article– we just provide the platform for your voice to be heard.

Please read the following guidelines carefully before making your submission:

  • Please contribute articles between 500 and 1200 words.
  • We accept submissions on all topics pertaining to Frankoma. However, your submission is more likely to be accepted if:
    • It has helpful and interesting information for our readers
    • Has a unique angle about Frankoma
    • Is not based solely on personal experience but is reader-focused
  • Please include a short biography that includes:
    • Your name
    • Your history and background with Frankoma
    • Your website (if applicable)
  • We reserve the right to lightly edit any content before publication and edit for typos, grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
  • We do not accept every submission we receive, but we will publish as much quality content as we can.

How to Submit Your Contribution

When you’ve met the guidelines above, please send your submission, including your bio and a headshot, to